Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let's try this again

So, yeah I am back...hopefully for good. Rather than to suppliment the following post with the bad and the ugly, I'll do just a quick little update.

Like alot of other Americans, I am currently unemplyed. Yup, a teacher with a masters is currently unemployed. And I just turned 29. So I am 29, unemployed, and living at my parents house. Yeah, life is just...peachy.

Actually, life is peachy as of late. Having nearly everything material either taken away or locked away in storage has made me really more greatful for the things that no one take away. I have wonderful parents who let me back into their home after two nears being very happy empty nesters. My fiance has been my rock and my support and truly, my everything. I am more lucky that the average person to have him.

Also, I am taking this time to really, really examine my life. I loved my two years teaching, and I love the profession. But, until I am regired, I am looking at another source of revenue. I have been a writer since I could reach my Grandma's typewriter. I am sure those first "stories" were nonsense, but if childhood play is any indication of what you are suppose to be, then the signs don't get much clearer than that. I can only hope that you will come with me on the journey.

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